Your representatives

At the beginning of school year, the APC proposes parents for election to the different institutional bodies. The elections are organised by the CFBL in November. The parents' community elects by majority the list proposed by the Association.

Below is the list of parents elected for the year 2023/24 to the various institutional bodies of the CFBL.

School council

Permanent member Alternate
Tatiana Pogossian - President Manon Rossi – Secondary Coordinator
Marta Kolasinska – General Secretary Peggy Dion – Communication Officer
Camille Beauvais – Primary Coordinator Craig Duffy - Treasurer

Disciplinary Council

Permanent member Alternate
Peggy Dion – Communication Officer Manon Rossi – Secondary Coordinator
Tatiana Pogossian - President Marta Kolasinska – General Secretary
Camille Beauvais – Primary Coordinator

Health and Safety Committee

Permanent member Alternate
Blandine Decaillet Sebastien Hoarau

Catering Committee

Permanent member Alternate
Fanny Sizorn Marta Kolasinska